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TEC's COVID Safety Measures


Updated as of January 29, 2023 ...



TEC takes very seriously our responsibility to keep everyone safe while participating in TEC-related activities.   As we continue to migrate through COVID-19, we continue to use the CDC, MIOSHA, and our local Berrien County Health Department to guide our decisions.


As we start a new year of lessons and activities, TEC is following the Wellness Policy During COVID-19 as defined below:


Policy:  Employees, Participants, and Volunteers will follow the guidelines outlined in this Wellness Policy.


After reviewing the questions below, if you have determined that you should not be at TEC as a volunteer, participant, or employee, please notify your coordinator, manager, or supervisor as soon as possible. Participants and lesson volunteers should notify the Volunteer Coordinator, chore volunteers should notify the Barn Manager, and employees should notify the Board President.  


Volunteer Coordinator:  Lonna Dick at (574) 520-0403

Barn Manager:  Paige Butler at (219) 393-0066

Board President:  Autumn Zick at (269) 921-4610


Please answer the following questions PRIOR to coming to TEC:  


Question 1: Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the last ten days?

If yes and you are experiencing mild symptoms, you should not return to TEC for:

  • Five full days after the symptom onset. You may return after five full days as long as you have been fever free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours, other COVID-19 symptoms (if present) are improving, and you are willing to wear a mask at all times when at TEC for an additional five days.


If yes and you are experiencing severe symptoms, you should not return to TEC for:

  • At least 10 full days after the onset of symptoms. You should consult your doctor before returning to TEC.


If yes and you are not experiencing symptoms, you should not return to TEC for:

  • Five full days after the positive test sample was collected. You may return after five full days as long you are willing to wear a mask at all times when at TEC for an additional five days. If you develop symptoms during this period, the five-day waiting period starts over.


Question 2: Do you have any of the symptoms that may be associated with COVID-19, but you haven’t been tested?

  • Temperature of 100.4°F or higher

  • Cough (excluding chronic cough due to a known medical reason other than COVID-19)

  • Shortness of breath

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Diarrhea (excluding diarrhea due to known medical reason other than COVID-19)


If yes to any of the symptoms listed above, you should not return to TEC for:

  • Five full days after symptom onset. You may return after five full days as long you have been fever free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours, other symptoms (if present) are improving (excluding taste/smell), and you are willing to wear a mask at all times when at TEC for an additional five days.


Question 3: Have you had close contact in the past 10 days with someone who has tested positive with COVID-19?


If yes, you may come to TEC if:

  • You are willing to wear a mask for 10 days after exposure while around others (within six feet). Please monitor yourself for COVID-19 symptoms and consider getting tested on or after the sixth day after the exposure occurred.


Question 4:  Do you have any other symptoms that may indicate illness not due to a known medical reason?

  • Vomiting

  • Two or more cold symptoms

  • Undiagnosed rash on the body

  • Colored mucus discharge

  • Cloudy discharge from the eye(s)


If yes to any of the symptoms listed above, you should not return to TEC until:

  • You are symptom free for 24 hours or you have a physician’s note indicating it is safe for you to return to TEC.


If a COVID-19 exposure occurs at TEC, employees, participants, and volunteers will be informed of their exposure by their respective coordinator, manager, or supervisor as soon as notification is received. Confidentiality will be maintained as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an excellent Isolation and Exposure Calculator tool for identifying appropriate protocols for different scenarios –


Click on file name if you'd like to download this info in a Word doc or PDF.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


And please remember to always ...

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All instructors certified and TEC is a member of  PATH International. 

© 2017 - 2024 Therapeutic Equestrian Center

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