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We express our gratitude to those who have continually supported the Therapeutic Equestrian Center throughout the years in making I Did It!” moments happen for people young and old living with special needs.


  • Bob Phillips – Professional horseshoeing in Cassopolis, MI (269-445-3499)




  • Frederick S. Upton Foundation – Administered by the Berrien Community Foundation, this grant program awards up to $50,000 to Berrien County nonprofits who have a BIG IDEA that will significantly improve the quality of life for residents of the county.


  • Knights of Columbus – St. Anthony of Buchanan, Council #14409



  • Knights of Columbus – Niles Father Allouez, Council #708



  • Plym Foundation – An independent foundation giving primarily for higher education and human services.



  • St. Deny’s Foundation – A family foundation giving primarily for higher education, arts and art education programs, Christian agencies, and health and hospice programs.


  • Stephen E. Upton Love Your Community Grant – Administered by the Berrien Community Foundation, this grant program awards a Berrien County nonprofit $50,000 each year for exemplifying the spirit of addressing community need, making a positive impact on lives, and shows collaboration.






TEC is a proud member of 


Questions about supporting TEC?

Contact: Autumn Zick

Phone: (269) 429-0671



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